●● 這是我和我的老筆友 Julia 於1993年4月19日在香港一家茶樓見面合影的一張相片。
七十年代,我离開學校,有一段時間很【神經】於寫短篇小說,還遠征香港投稿一試程度,我記不起 Julia 如何有我的通訊地址,總之兩個同性人就這樣魚雁貫通起來;
Julia 是1994年嫁雞隨雞去了美國,定居華盛頓,如此這般,我們之間又更難得一見了!因為路途又更遙遠了。哎哎哎!
今早我很有心試圖在眾多的相片簿里、找出我們之間的紀念相片,結果福至心靈,第一本就找到了,馬上就 post上來。
●● 後補:和 Julia 不愧交往這麼多年,看!她還 e-mail 來【算賬】我們其實先后見面有三次記錄,嘩!有這麼多次嗎?以下是她的 e-mail 全文証明之。
Hi Angela,
What a good surprise woke up in the morning and find our photo and your interesting blog!
If I remembered well, we had met in HK about 3 times, and that photo was the last time we met before I left HK!
First time you were single, 2nd time with your husband, last time he was in Beijing, remember you called him in the hotel.
And I spent the night chatting with you there!
You and your Malaysian customers having booking problem in the airport. We had breakfast in 'Kau Kee Restaurant' in Tsimshatsui and I went with you to Kai Tak Airport, then I went back to work after seeing you off!
ANgela, you're not only my pen-pal, you were my mentor, my idol!
I admire you being so capable & smart like a young Diva at that time, and I want to take you as a model to learn from you!
You're my inspiration when growing up!
Thanks for new techonolgy we are now keep in touch not for just once a year, but can be anytime online!
Julia 29-12-2008