
● 一面牆上有故事

●● 這面牆很長,特別之处是:它由8个彫刻组合,每一个彫刻的图案各不相同,都在説明故事的情節!
這是一个伊班原住民的寓言故事,叫:鼠鹿与鱷魚the Mouse deer and the Crocodile!

● How the mouse deer tricked the Crocodile. The mouse deer wanted to cross the crocodile infested river. He flattered the crocodiles by referring crocodile to their size and strength." However,"he said," My family's bigger than yours,our strength is in our numbers."

● " This cannot be!",screamed the King Crocodile,"my family is both powerful in physique and large in numbers."

● "In which case, let me count them to verity the truth!" said Mouse deer. "Line your family up,side by side across the river."

● "Very well!" said King Crocodile.He ordered all his family to line up and they stretched from one bank of the river to the other.

● The little Mouse deer jumped from one crocodiles back to the other, counting as he went along, until he reached the other bank.

● Once he arrived, he said, " O,King croc, you were right: you have a big family.But are stupid! All I wanted was to cross the river without being eaten!"
● The crocodiles roared anger and the little mouse deer skipped off to join his laughing friends in the jungle.

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